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Cortex - Life Sciences Insights

| less than a minute read

The moral imperative: Balancing innovation, regulation and prescription drug availability

We stand today on the threshold of almost unimaginable progress in defeating diseases that have ravaged humans for millennia. New techniques using gene therapy, cell therapy, mRNA, and gene editing promise to battle diseases not at the level of symptoms, but at their genetic and cellular sources.

And it is the private biopharmaceutical sector that supplies the lion’s share of the financial investment and takes all of the risk. Its commitment is why the US leads the world in biopharmaceutical innovation. We invent more medicines here than the rest of the world combined.

But all this enormous progress is being undermined because too many patients can’t afford these drugs.

Why are drug prices the way they are? Can drugs be made affordable while incentivizing further innovation and rewarding investors?

Please listen to the latest podcast in our At the Intersection of Science and Law series as DLA Piper’s Jim Greenwood and Geoff Levitt are joined by biotech investor Peter Kolchinsky, founder of No Patient Left Behind, to discuss the system and modest reforms that could fix it.

Listen to the podcast here 


podcast, regulation-pharma