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Cortex - Life Sciences Insights

| less than a minute read

What every Life Sciences lawyer needs (commercial contracts)

Welcome to ‘What every Life Sciences lawyer needs (Commercial Contracts)’, a series in which DLA Piper’s Life Sciences Commercial Contracts team help you, the listener, to deepen your understanding of sector-specific commercial agreements and their clauses. Our aim is to help you to build better Life Sciences commercial contracts.

You can watch each episode by clicking the link below: 

Episode 1 - Defining the scope

Episode 2 - Choice of law & jurisdiction

Episode 3 - R&D agreements 

Episode 4 - Data clauses

Episode 5 - Intellectual property terms 

Episode 6 - Disclosure schedules 

Episode 7 - Payment terms 

Episode 8 - Clinical trial agreements 

Episode 9 - Life sciences distribution agreements 

Episode 10 - Life sciences manufacturing agreements 

Episode 11 - Indemnities 

Episode 12 - Governance and contract management 

Episode 13 - Liability caps and limits 

Episode 14 - Life sciences NDAs

Episode 15 - Confidentiality clauses

If you would like any further information, please contact your usual DLA Piper contact or Richard Taylor