11/20/2024 9:20:17 AM EHDS – Access to health data for secondary use under the European Health Data Space By Andreas Rüdiger James Clark This is Part 3 in a series of articles on the European Health Data Space ("EHDS"). Part 1 provides a general overview of the EHDS. Part...
4/20/2023 2:20:37 PM Cross-border considerations for privacy in clinical trials - At the Intersection of Sciences and Law Podcast Series By James Clark Paula Gonzalez de Castejón Llano-Ponte David Kopans In this episode of At the Intersection of Sciences and Law Podcast Series, in light of the recent publication of our Cross-border Guide...
9/20/2022 8:46:16 AM Genetic information – global privacy considerations – an Australian and UK perspective By James Clark Sarah Birkett Senal Premarathna Introduction The benefits of using genetic information for research purposes are clear, especially as the technology underpinning...
7/14/2022 9:38:36 AM UK: New National Strategy for Health Data By James Clark The UK’s Department for Health and Social Care (“DHSC”) has published a major strategy document (‘Data saves lives: reshaping health and...
5/31/2022 7:53:49 AM The European Health Data Space – 5 Things You Need to Know By James Clark What is the European Health Data Space? On 3 May 2022, the EU Commission published a draft Regulation on the European Health Data Space...
3/8/2022 2:29:44 PM UK: New guidance on processing personal data for research purposes By James Clark Experiencing a global pandemic has provided us with many examples of the importance of scientific research to our lives. Meanwhile, a...
5/4/2021 12:00:00 AM The EU’s draft AI Regulation: key considerations for Life Sciences companies By James Clark Andrew Dyson Jan Pohle Heidi Waem +1 more... Show less On 21 April 2021, the European Commission published the long-awaited proposal for a Regulation on Artificial Intelligence[1](“AI...
2/25/2021 10:28:04 AM Interim EDPB guidance on the application of GDPR to health research By James Clark In response to a set of questions from the European Commission, the European Data Protection Board (“EDPB”) has published some high level...