9/2/2022 3:17:11 PM Expedite patent examination for foreign applicants in Brazil By Domiciano Sá The Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BRPTO) efforts to reduce the patent backlog is generating positive results despite the...
9/1/2022 1:35:25 PM ANVISA speeds up public health measures to fight against monkeypox By Bruna Rocha Juliana Marcondes Victoria Cristofaro Brazil currently has the third most cases of monkeypox in the world. Until August 20 of this year, 14,054 notifications were registered...
7/7/2022 11:19:20 AM The Brazilian Federal Council of Pharmacy regulates telepharmacy By Bruna Rocha Juliana Marcondes Victoria Cristofaro Last Thursday (30 June), the Federal Council of Pharmacy approved a resolution that regulates telepharmacy in Brazil. The new regulation,...
6/6/2022 9:16:51 AM The Brazilian Minister of Health approves the Ordinance regulating telehealth in Brazil By Bruna Rocha Juliana Marcondes Victoria Cristofaro Last Thursday (2 June, 2022), Marcelo Queiroga – president of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology and current Minister of Health –...
6/1/2022 1:43:26 PM The Federal Council of Nursing regulates the exercise of Telenursing - Brazil By Bruna Rocha Juliana Marcondes Victoria Cristofaro Last week, the Federal Council of Nursing (in Portuguese, “Conselho Federal de Enfermagem” or simply “COFEN”) approved the Resolution...
5/11/2022 9:01:27 AM Telehealth is Brazil: The Bill goes to the Senate and the Federal Court of Medicine regulates the practice of telemedicine By Bruna Rocha Juliana Marcondes Victoria Cristofaro On April 27th, Bill n° 1998/20 was approved by the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies of Brazil is currently awaiting approval by the Senate....