9/23/2021 12:20:41 PM Single-use medical devices' reprocessing and further use to be permitted in Portugal By Mariana Ricardo Portugal initiated the 2015/1535 notification procedure of the decree-law establishing the rules applicable to the reprocessing and...
9/21/2021 9:37:11 AM Open consultation on the future regulation of medical devices in the United Kingdom By Richard Taylor Elinor Cavil Background The Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) is holding an open consultation to gather views on possible...
9/10/2021 8:53:51 AM Clinical trials conducted pre-application can cause enabling disclosure By Richard Taylor Elinor Cavil In a recent webinar titled “Protecting Medical Devices in Europe – Avoiding Common Pitfalls”, Kieran Killough (Partner at HGF) pointed to...
9/9/2021 11:37:35 AM mRNA Technology: A New Approach to Therapeutics (podcast) By Lisa Haile For decades, scientists have studied the seemingly endless possibilities of custom-made messenger RNA, or mRNA. Kathy Fernando, Head Vice...
9/7/2021 9:38:57 AM New European Regulations on Medical Devices By Richard Taylor Elinor Cavil New EU regulations governing medical devices and in-vitro diagnostic devices were introduced in May 2017 - the Medical Devices Regulation...