4/28/2023 12:19:40 PM The UK voluntary scheme for branded medicines pricing and access (VPAS): just what the doctor ordered, or a bitter pill to swallow? By Michael Stead Martha Pownall On the 1 April this year, amidst storm clouds gathering above the NHS in the form of staffing strikes, record waiting times and chronic...
4/25/2023 9:40:00 AM The Czech government is planning a regulated cannabis market By Jan Metelka Dylan Kennett The Czech government has announced its plan to introduce a highly regulated cannabis market in the Czech Republic. Currently, cannabis is...
4/20/2023 2:20:37 PM Cross-border considerations for privacy in clinical trials - At the Intersection of Sciences and Law Podcast Series By James Clark Paula Gonzalez de Castejón Llano-Ponte David Kopans In this episode of At the Intersection of Sciences and Law Podcast Series, in light of the recent publication of our Cross-border Guide...
4/20/2023 1:51:49 PM Trade secrets protection in the life sciences sector - At the Intersection of Sciences and Law Podcast Series By Roberto Valenti Raymond Miller In the latest episode of At the Intersection of Science and Law, Roberto Valenti and Raymond Miller discuss trade secrets protection in...
4/17/2023 3:43:23 PM ESG Issues: Clinical Trials and Diversity (Racial Bias in Medical Technology) By Nicholas Tyacke Greg Bodulovic Alexandra de Zwart Abi Ketheeswaran Sharon Zhang +2 more... Show less ESG is increasingly a primary focus for companies and consumers alike. Across all industries, companies are under immense scrutiny from...
4/17/2023 3:43:10 PM Inspirational Women in Life Sciences: Rebecca Lacey and Sonya Roy By Alexandra de Zwart In the third edition of our Cortex series on Inspirational Women in Life Sciences, we are delighted to feature two incredible Australian...
4/17/2023 3:37:38 PM Plausibility of inventions: the decision of the EPO Enlarged Board of Appeal in G 2/21 By Massimiliano Tiberio Introduction On March 23rd, 2023, the Enlarged Board of Appeal of the EPO issued the long-awaited decision concerning the concept of...
4/12/2023 1:33:08 PM The New Italian Public Contracts Code By Giorgia Romitelli Roberta Moffa Anna Mazzoncini Riccardo Scioscia +1 more... Show less As of March 28, The Italian Council of Ministers have approved the new Public Contracts Code. The Legislative Decree No. 36 of March 31,...
4/11/2023 11:48:09 AM Italy modifies medical device payback system for 2015-2018: Companies have to make quick and important choices By Giorgia Romitelli Giovanni Iaselli Roberta Moffa With Law Decree no. 34/2023, the Italian government has approved significant changes to the Italian medical devices payback system for...
4/4/2023 1:43:12 PM You say “ed”, they say “ad”: The fine line between lawful educational campaigns and unlawful advertising of therapeutic goods in Australia By Nicholas Tyacke Greg Bodulovic Alexandra de Zwart Companies operating in the life sciences industry play a vital role in raising awareness of diseases and other medical conditions,...
4/3/2023 3:28:02 PM New Guidance from the Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) on the Intended Purpose Statement for Medical Device Software By Poppy Williams As part of the MHRA’s Software and AI as a Medical Device Change Programme, the MHRA has recently published guidance on crafting an...