6/28/2022 9:20:43 AM Sweden to implement a new Biobanks Act By Fredrika Allard The Swedish government has decided to implement a new Biobanks Act, which is suggested to enter into force on 1 July 2023. The current...
6/27/2022 10:19:13 AM Luxembourg draft bill on recreational cannabis By David Alexandre Benoîte Chanfray Camille Malécot Following the Luxembourg government's clarifications of October 2021, the Council of Government has recently approved the draft bill on...
6/27/2022 10:18:44 AM FDA Warning Letter focuses on GMP failures at 503B compounding outsourcing facility By Bethany Hills Hilary Hoffman After a brief hiatus from the string of Warning Letters sent to 503B outsourcing facilities in mid- to late 2021, on June 7, 2022, FDA...
6/13/2022 11:19:38 AM Summer of 2022; the dawn of the behemoth, Haleon plc By Robert Newman Think back almost four years to December 2018. A certain Donald Trump was POTUS, Theresa May survived a vote of no confidence (by a vote...
6/8/2022 7:51:49 AM Spain’s Medical Device Market to recover in 2022 By Elisa Lorenzo Fitch Solutions Country Risk & Industry Research has published a report confirming that the Spain’s medical devices market will see...
6/6/2022 9:16:51 AM The Brazilian Minister of Health approves the Ordinance regulating telehealth in Brazil By Bruna Rocha Juliana Marcondes Victoria Cristofaro Last Thursday (2 June, 2022), Marcelo Queiroga – president of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology and current Minister of Health –...
6/1/2022 1:43:26 PM The Federal Council of Nursing regulates the exercise of Telenursing - Brazil By Bruna Rocha Juliana Marcondes Victoria Cristofaro Last week, the Federal Council of Nursing (in Portuguese, “Conselho Federal de Enfermagem” or simply “COFEN”) approved the Resolution...