12/19/2017 10:32:47 AM Challenging Statistics By Kate Hodgkiss The most likely explanation for the anomalies identified in the gender pay reports published so far is the fact that, whilst...
12/11/2017 12:00:00 AM Personal Data - Extending Liability By Kate Hodgkiss At a time when organisations are looking to put their houses in order to address the demands of GDPR, this poses a salutary warning to...
12/8/2017 9:49:45 AM FDA and the Future of Digital Health By Becca McKnight New guidance just out from FDA on its approach to the regulation of digital health. For companies pursuing opportunities where...
12/1/2017 3:04:45 PM Crispr - a fascinating new technology on the horizon of mankind. By Bertold Bar-Bouyssiere This is intriguing and may be the 3D-printer of the life science industry. Obviously, there are many legal pitfalls that require careful...
12/1/2017 2:21:59 PM Lawyers plan too. By Mark Franklin Sitting with the German DLA Piper Life Science team, my language skills being push to the limit I am reminded of Dan Connors, Applied...