4/20/2023 2:20:37 PM Cross-border considerations for privacy in clinical trials - At the Intersection of Sciences and Law Podcast Series By James Clark Paula Gonzalez de Castejón Llano-Ponte David Kopans In this episode of At the Intersection of Sciences and Law Podcast Series, in light of the recent publication of our Cross-border Guide...
4/17/2023 3:43:23 PM ESG Issues: Clinical Trials and Diversity (Racial Bias in Medical Technology) By Nicholas Tyacke Greg Bodulovic Alexandra de Zwart Abi Ketheeswaran Sharon Zhang +2 more... Show less ESG is increasingly a primary focus for companies and consumers alike. Across all industries, companies are under immense scrutiny from...
3/7/2022 1:59:14 PM HealthTech - Shifting Landscapes Series (Part 1): Overview By Hannah Gardiner HealthTech: Trends and Challenges In a recent internal webinar, DLA Piper and Global Data looked into the shifting landscape of...
1/26/2022 9:14:41 AM Initiative launched to accelerate EU clinical trials (ACT EU) By Lyndsey Hudson Accelerating Clinical Trials in the EU (ACT EU) was launched a few days ago, with the aim of transforming the way in which clinical...
1/25/2022 12:16:23 PM Update: DLA Piper Global COVID-19 Vaccine Guide for Employers By Marco de Morpurgo DLA Piper’s Life Sciences team has updated our recent vaccine guide for employers. The changes include significant updates to several...
10/5/2021 1:41:24 PM Update: DLA Piper Global COVID-19 Vaccine Guide for Employers By Marco de Morpurgo DLA Piper’s Life Sciences team has updated our recent vaccine guide for employers. The changes include the additions of Sweden and...
9/9/2021 11:37:35 AM mRNA Technology: A New Approach to Therapeutics (podcast) By Lisa Haile For decades, scientists have studied the seemingly endless possibilities of custom-made messenger RNA, or mRNA. Kathy Fernando, Head Vice...
5/25/2021 12:00:00 AM Launch of DLA Piper Global COVID-19 Vaccine Guide for Employers By Pilar Menor Marco de Morpurgo As the scientific response to the COVID-19 pandemic develops, many employers are considering what their approach should be to the issues...
5/11/2021 2:51:32 AM EC's variations to the terms of marketing authorisations - another COVID-19 dictated reform By Mariana Ricardo As countries in the European Union (EU) take baby steps towards reopening businesses and ramp up COVID-19 vaccination, the pandemic and...
2/22/2021 6:54:44 PM Portuguese VAT exemption to transfers of medical devices for in-vitro diagnosis of COVID-19, its vaccines and related provision of services By Inês Santana Metello Portugal published Law no. 4-C/2021, which transposes the Directive (EU) 2020/2020 from the 7th of December 2020, as regards temporary...
2/16/2021 12:00:00 AM An ever-changing landscape - European regulator looks to speed up authorisation process for modified vaccines addressing COVID-19 variants By Kate Black At a time where drug makers are taking action to develop modified versions of their vaccines in order to address the evolving variants of...
2/10/2021 12:00:00 AM The emergence of strategic assets in the health sector: Portugal takes the final step to create a National Medicines Laboratory By Mariana Ricardo Inês Santana Metello When the Covid-19 pandemic hit Europe in 2020, the Portuguese Government took the opportunity to establish the health sector as a...