1/25/2022 12:16:23 PM Update: DLA Piper Global COVID-19 Vaccine Guide for Employers By Marco de Morpurgo DLA Piper’s Life Sciences team has updated our recent vaccine guide for employers. The changes include significant updates to several...
10/5/2021 1:41:24 PM Update: DLA Piper Global COVID-19 Vaccine Guide for Employers By Marco de Morpurgo DLA Piper’s Life Sciences team has updated our recent vaccine guide for employers. The changes include the additions of Sweden and...
5/25/2021 12:00:00 AM Launch of DLA Piper Global COVID-19 Vaccine Guide for Employers By Pilar Menor Marco de Morpurgo As the scientific response to the COVID-19 pandemic develops, many employers are considering what their approach should be to the issues...
12/19/2017 10:32:47 AM Challenging Statistics By Kate Hodgkiss The most likely explanation for the anomalies identified in the gender pay reports published so far is the fact that, whilst...
12/11/2017 12:00:00 AM Personal Data - Extending Liability By Kate Hodgkiss At a time when organisations are looking to put their houses in order to address the demands of GDPR, this poses a salutary warning to...
11/10/2017 7:42:20 PM Transparency in Pay By Kate Hodgkiss In sectors where male employees hold the most senior jobs, and women are under-represented at all levels, the Gender Pay Gap Reports may...
11/10/2017 6:49:55 PM Glacial progress or on the point of change? By Kate Hodgkiss The fact that this day remains unchanged from last year confirms that the pace of change has been ... rather less than "pacey". I will...
11/10/2017 4:15:23 PM Flexibility and expertise combined By Kate Hodgkiss Interesting article about fledgling creative ways of enabling tomorrow's employees acquire the hands- on practical experience and skills...
10/20/2017 1:56:12 PM Tackling the Gender Pay Gap By Kate Hodgkiss The clock is ticking on the requirement for all employers with more than 250 employees to publish details of their gender pay gap. Data...
10/20/2017 8:10:22 AM Further assurances welcomed By Kate Hodgkiss As further talks get underway in Europe, the need to provide clarity to employers and EU employees re-enters the spotlight. Whilst the...